Ajudem-nos a evangelizar.

Ajude-nos a evangelizar.

"Se os homens soubessem o que é a eternidade, fariam de tudo para mudar de vida."
Jacinta Marto

Lugar de católico é aqui.

" Senhor não permita que eu parta dessa vida, sem que eu evangelize e salve ao menos uma alma " Amém.

Faça aqui a sua pesquisa aqui.

sexta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2010

Merry Christhmas

Thanks to everyone who has been following our blog over the whole year. It is with great pleasure that I've been writing these messages and searching for information relevant to all Christians, not just Catholics but to all who seek God, regardless of religion. I hope this Christmas Eve is the happiest and most blessed of all their lives and that Jesus spilled all blessings on you and your families.

The only gift I ask of you is to continue monitoring the blog, send messages, pictures and even videos so we can share together. Spread the word to all your relatives and friends, because together we can change the world a little. When I created the blog was half in jest, today we have over 3000 hits from all parts of Brazil and more than 10 countries such as Portugal, the United States, Croatia, Italy, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Colombia, Argentina, among others. I am very happy that my messages get to places so distant and different cultures.

At supper to make a prayer for PEACE to the world, pray for our less fortunate brothers. People die every day from hunger, especially in Africa where the pain, hunger and suffering are his only companions. Pray for the victims of so many tragedies around the world and we ask Jesus for a new heart, merciful and full of love, because with that attitude we will have a much better world and more fraternal.

Have a Merry Christmas, are my sincere wishes to all.


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